Bogdan Gîrbovan
100 lei
I imagined you’ll put this poster in your room, next to the place you’re working at. This is a work of art and whatever it might signify, once exhibited, it will have a saying about who you are.
From my stories as a gallerist, there’s one that haunted me while choosing the image for this poster. At an exhibition with collages of photographs and painting reproductions all the artworks that included painted figures have been sold, but none of those in which the figure was photographed. A viewer told me: you can’t look and lose yourself in works in which someone is staring at you, the photographed image keeps you there.
The gravedigger is something else, with him you can meet fearless. He is expecting you, too, but he’s demanding nothing, he’s there to help and you have all the time in the world, no need to hurry, with him, you can go on with your job easily. (Matei Câlția)
Signed poster
67,30 x 47 cm