Dan Perjovschi
(b. 1961, Sibiu, Romania) is internationally recognized for his artistic gestures that invade exhibition spaces, for the drawings on walls, for the ephemerality and temporality of his work. He is also known for his quick comments on daily events and satirical remarks about politics. Perjovschi emerges as a non-conformist artist who easily breaks free from the traditional patterns of art and manages to maintain the necessary distance for critique.
Beyond the exhibition space and the permanent markers on walls, his drawings primarily reside in the notebooks he always carries, where he notes down his ideas, tries out his jokes, a territory for experiments, his personal Wikipedia. The drawings later find their place in print media, such as artist books, catalogs, newspapers and magazines, postcards, flyers and invitations, illustrations, and book covers.
București. Brussel. Chișinău.
Meeting room
Dan Perjovschi
(b. 1961, Sibiu, Romania) is internationally recognized for his artistic gestures that invade exhibition spaces, for the drawings on walls, for the ephemerality and temporality of his work. He is also known for his quick comments on daily events and satirical remarks about politics. Perjovschi emerges as a non-conformist artist who easily breaks free from the traditional patterns of art and manages to maintain the necessary distance for critique.
Beyond the exhibition space and the permanent markers on walls, his drawings primarily reside in the notebooks he always carries, where he notes down his ideas, tries out his jokes, a territory for experiments, his personal Wikipedia. The drawings later find their place in print media, such as artist books, catalogs, newspapers and magazines, postcards, flyers and invitations, illustrations, and book covers.
București. Brussel. Chișinău.
Meeting room